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品牌 | Alluxa/美國 | 價格區間 | 3千-1萬 |
組件類別 | 光學元件 | 應用領域 | 電子,航天,汽車,電氣,綜合 |
帶寬 | 小于等于1nm |
Alluxa 高性能濾光片以的設計工藝和鍍膜過程控制,使Alluxa濾光片具有行業內高的透過率,*的截至深度和波長性,其中通過SIRRUS™離子束沉積硬鍍膜技術,也使得Alluxa濾光片具有使用壽命長,高損傷閾值,以及*的批次穩定性等特點,并已經廣泛應用于生物熒光系統、拉曼系統、量子、雷達通訊等精密光學系統中.
具有OD6阻斷的超窄帶濾波器,用于1064 nm Nd:YAG激光器。
應用:LIDAR, 拉曼光譜, 及需要凈化激光器的精密光學系統.
窄帶寬: 0.1nm
截至深度: ~OD10
波長范圍: 250nm~6.2 µm可選
透過波前差(RMS): 優0.01λ per inch @ 632.8 nm
Flat-top,超窄的帶通濾波器特別設計,在整個通帶中有極陡的邊緣和高透過率。這個正方形的光譜形狀可以達到0.1 nm的帶寬。Flat-top窄帶濾波器是理想的激光雷達、拉曼光譜和其他需要使用精密激光發射濾波器或激光清理過濾器的應用。
Ultra-narrowband optical interference filter with a 661.5 nm center wavelength (CWL), a 1 nm full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), and wide-range out-of-band blocking from 350 nm to 1000 nm. This is a multi-cavity filter with transmission that is greater than 95% at 661.5 nm. This ultra-narrowband filter is coated on a 2 mm thick Borofloat® substrate and mounted in a 50 mm (+0/-0.1 mm) diameter, 3.5 mm (± 0.1 mm) thick anodized aluminum ring. Alluxa ultra-narrow bandpass filters have the highest transmission and narrowest bandwidths currently available. And because they are hard-coated using our innovative SIRRUS™ plasma deposition process, all Alluxa optical filters are highly durable and resistant to laser damage. Contact us for custom sizing options.
Item Number | 7620 |
Angle of Incidence | 0 Degrees |
Center Wavelength | 661.5 nm Nominal |
FWHM | < 1.2 nm |
Transmission Band(s)? | 661.5 nm > 95% T Absolute |
Blocking Level | OD5 |
Blocking Range(s)* | OD5: 450 to 650 nm, 673 to 850 nm; OD4: 850 to 1000 nm; OD3: 350 to 450 nm |
Filter Design | Multi-Cavity |
Substrate Type | Borofloat® |
Dimensions | 50.0 mm Diameter |
Filter Thickness | 2.0 mm |
Assembly Type | Anodized Aluminum Ring |
Assembly Thickness | 3.5 mm |
Ultra Narrow filters bring new levels of performance to filters with very narrow bandwidth responses. Typically fully blocked to OD4 or OD6 and < 3 nm wide at FWHM, Alluxa Ultra Narrow Filters are uniquely steep and accurate. All Alluxa Ultra Narrow filters are fabricated with a proprietary durable, hard coating process. Even very narrow ( < 0.5 nm at FWHM ) Ultra Narrow filters typically have transmission values > 90%.
Item Number | 7088 |
Angle of Incidence | 0 Degrees |
Center Wavelength | 1650.96 nm Nominal |
FWHM | < 1.0 nm |
Transmission Band(s)? | 1650.96 nm > 90% T Absolute |
Blocking Level | OD4 |
Blocking Range(s)* | OD4: 1664 to 1800 nm, 300 to 1638 nm |
Filter Design | Multi-Cavity |
Substrate Type | Fused Silica |
Dimensions | 25.3 mm Diameter |
Filter Thickness | 2.0 mm |
Assembly Type | Anodized Aluminum Ring |
Assembly Thickness | 5.0 mm |